Publications: Papers






RT-2: SBIM (1)

RT-3: Vis&VA (3)

RT-4: M&S (4)

Author name w/ (*): Team illustrares; hyperlinked venues




Ramos S*, Trevisan DF, Batageko HC, Costa Sousa M, Gois JP (2018).
Contour-aware 3D reconstruction of side-view sketches.
Computers & Graphics.
Volume 77: 97-107. 2018/12. .





Ramos, PhD



Rocha A*, Cabral R. Mota R, Hamdi H*, Alim U, Costa Sousa M. (2018).
Illustrative multivariate visualization for geological modelling.
Computer Graphics Forum
EuroVis '18 Issue), 37(3). 2018/06.



Rocha, PhD; Rocha et al. '20, '19, 17(a, b)



Karami Moghadam A*, Sahaf Z*, Chen ZJ, Costa Sousa M, Yang C, Nghiem L (2018).
A classification-based approach for global sensitivity analysis of
reservoir models considering geological uncertainty
SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition.
Decision Risk Analysis and Managing Uncertainty.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018/06.



Sahaf Z*, Hamdi H*, Cabral R. Mota R, Costa Sousa M, Maurer F. (2018).
A visual analytics framework for
selecting a diverse range of uncertain reservoir models
The International Conference on
Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP '18).
pp. 74-84. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. 2018/01.


Sahaf, PhD; Zahaf et al. '18; '17(a, b); Karami Moghadam et al. '18



Hamdi H*, Couckuyt I, Dhaene T, Costa Sousa M. (2018c).
Efficient multi-objective history-matching using Gaussian processes.
ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery.
Volume 2018, 18 pages
Barcelona, Spain. 2018/09





Hamdi et al. '21, '20(a, b, c), '19, '17(a, b, c), '15(a, b, c, d), '14, '13;
Hamdi & Costa Sousa



Khani H*, Hamdi H*, Nghiem L, Chen Z, Costa Sousa M. (2018b).
The ability of multiple-point geostatistics for
modelling complex fracture networks in tight and shale reservoirs
ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery.
Volume 2018, 15 pages
Barcelona, Spain. 2018/09





Khani, PhD; Khani et al. '18a, '17



Khani H*, Hamdi H*, Nghiem L, Chen ZX, Costa Sousa M. (2018a).
Geologically consistent history matching of
SAGD process using probability perturbation method
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference - SPE-189770-MS.
Calgary, AB, Canada. 2018/03.


Khani, PhD; Khani et al. '18b, '17




Zhang Z, Geiger S, Rood M,
Jacquemyn C, Jackson M, Hampson G, de Calvalho FM*,
Machado Silva CCM*,Machado Silva J*, Costa Sousa M. (2018).
Fast flow computation methods on
unstructured tetrahedral meshes for Rapid Reservoir Modelling
ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery.
Reservoir Characterization.
15 pages. Barcelona, Spain. 2018/09.





Zhang et al. '20 (ext. ver.), Zhang et al. '17(a, b),
Jacquemyn et al.
'21; Costa Sousa et al. '20;
Jackson et al.
'15; Rood et al. '15

  • Conference
  • RT-4: M&S
